Sleep Apnea / Oral Appliances
Snoring and Sleep Apnea in Westlake, OH
Everyone knows what snoring is and many jokes are made about it.
But the loud noise made during the night is not a joking matter. If you have a spouse it may be a source of marital tension – your partner cannot sleep soundly because of the snoring, and often separate bedrooms are the result.
Or maybe it’s your spouse that’s keeping you awake!
But…snoring may or may not be a sign of a more serious condition: Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
Is OSA Serious? You Bet!
What Can Be Done?
What Can We Do Here at Westlake Family Dental Care?
If you have had a sleep study and desire an oral appliance, we can do that.
If you are concerned whether you have a sleep disorder, come in for a consultation and we can discuss your individual circumstances and make recommendations as far as treatment.
If you feel you just snore, we can make an appliance solely for snoring and you and your spouse will be thankful. But again, snoring may be a sign of a more serious condition which must be ruled out.
If interested, call for a free sleep consultation. We’re here to help.